Are men stronger than women
Are men stronger than women

are men stronger than women are men stronger than women

It is dependent on health condition, genetics, and environment. Durational strength is how long a person can live in total years. Physical strength which is the level of exertion and force that a person can induce upon an object. The research demonstrates there exists two types of strength. Research has shown that women are not biological inferiors, but have evolved to be survivors. Medicine had a tradition of casting the female body as inferior or an object that needed to be controlled. This was a myth based on gender stereotypes. It was once believed that men were better suited for survival, because they were biologically tougher. The information written in the text comes from the Centre for Study on Sex Differences in Health, Aging, and Disease and the Gerontology Research Group. Such examinations may hold the key to prolonging life and fighting age related diseases. Biomedical science has not studied women in a serious manner, but that has began to change. Biological aging and death are still a mystery. Gerontology seeks to study and explain the process of senescence. The article from The Guardian examines how there are sex differences in aging and how it relates to overall health. There is a gap in terms of old age between men and women. It has been confirmed, that women live longer than men and may cope better with illness including trauma.

are men stronger than women

Physically men on average are stronger, but in terms of durational strength women have an advantage. The weaker sex? Science that shows women are stronger than men

Are men stronger than women